Cydnee's Progress

Thanks for checking in on Cydnee, I try to update as much as I can, but sometimes I get behind.

Some of you may already know my daughter, Cydnee, or have heard about her. For those who don’t, she’s 17 and will be a senior in high school next year. Cydnee had a tough start in life, spending two months at Arkansas Children’s Hospital as a baby. She underwent heart surgery and a few other procedures, and while she still faces some medical challenges, she’s doing incredibly well!
From a very young age, Cydnee has had a deep love for dinosaurs and dreams of becoming a paleontologist. Last summer, we had the chance to take her to Utah, where we toured the Bureau of Land Management lab in Kanab. She was absolutely thrilled to see their fossil work up close—it was truly a dream come true for her.
This summer, Cydnee has been given an amazing opportunity to return to Kanab and volunteer at the lab for the month of June!
To help fund this incredible adventure, Cydnee and I have created some dinosaur-themed items that are now available on my website, Cydnee Designs, link in comments. 100% of the sales will go toward supporting her trip.
I’ve never been one to ask for help, but if you’re able to support her journey in any way—whether by purchasing from the website, donating, or sharing this message—we would be endlessly grateful. To make donations easier, I’m including my Venmo and CashApp information as well.
Please help us make this first step toward Cydnee’s dream of becoming a paleontologist a reality. Thank you so much for your support!
Missi Detar

November 2022
Cydnee is now in High School and she is a member of the High School Marching Band.  She loves to play the trumpet.  She still struggles with her eating but her attitute (for the most part) is great.  

April 2021

Cydnee has had to have surgery on her foot and she is strugglling a little bit with it.  She has been in a cast for nearly 6 months now but hopefully soon all will be much better.

January 2016
Cydnee is in a new therapy to help with her feeding issues.  It is going fair...she is old enough to know she needs to eat, but also old enough to be stubborn and not eat if she does not want to.  Our goal is that this will be the year that we can get rid of her feeding tube...keeping my fingers crossed..

October 14, 2013
Cydnee has started kindergarten and she absolutely loves it!  She is doing better with her eating and the teacher has a small corner in the room set up for her with a rug and a pillow and she is allowed to get up and go sit down there and eat whenever she is hungry thru out the day. 
It is so funny, she measures her life in number of naps until something happens.  She gets ready to go to her Grunny's house and wants to know how many naps she gets to stay there.  Or right now we are on a countdown of how many naps until Halloween. 
Cydnee is starting to realize that she is ready to get her button, feeding tube, out. She asked if that could be her birthday present get her button taken out.  We have told her that she has to continue to prove to us that she can eat really good everyday and then we will start tapering off her nighttime feeds and....eventually get it out.  She seems ok with that.  Gives her something else to look forward to.
 January 21,2013
The best Christmas Gift EVER!!!!!
It has been a long road with Cydnee and I know it is not over yet, but she has made a huge step.  I have waited to comment on it because I wanted to make sure it was not just something she was going to do for a day or two and that was it.  But she has been consistantly EATING since right around Christmas.  Her doctors have said all along that one of these days it will just "click" and she will start eating and we didn't beleive it.  How could a child that has not really hardly eaten anything in their entire life just all of a sudden start eating.....but it happened just about that way.  She went to "Grummy's" house right before Christmas to spend the night. She had two platefulls of spaghetti with Mario Battali's marinara sauce.  My mom filmed it and I could not believe it!  She was eating for about 20 min with very little time between bites.  Over the next few days she was constantly asking for something to eat, it might not be very much but she was eating it. Her volume got more and more each day. Sure she has days that she does not eat very much, but so does every child.  It has been about a month now that we have not done her (backpack) feeding tube feedings during the day. She still gets it at night for extra nutrition for the day. Here is a picture of her eating pepparoni....another feed she realized that she likes!
June 25, 2012
Wow what a year!  Cydnee is slowly but surely growing.  Not eating much more, but I finally convinced her doctor to let me do a homemade formula and we started it in May.  Last year she gained only a few ounces over the entire year.  In the last month since we started the homemade formula she has already gained 1 pound and 1 ounce. 
Nothing gets her down.  She is always upbeat and super excited to go "somewhere fun".  Any time we go somewhere she asks "are we going somewhere fun".   And each night before she goes to bed she has to help me put hounds in the kennels and tell them all night night by touching them on the nose.
She has gone thru genetic testing this year and she will be 5 in August and they determined that her bone age is age 3.  They said that this was small but just barely within normal limits.  None of the testing has turned up anything new.  We just have a tiny little "heart baby" that continues to struggle on her eating.  She now weighs 26 pounds and 1 ounce. Doctors say that hopefully one day it will just "click" and she will realize that she has to eat..... can't wait for that day!!!!
July 11, 2011
Cydnee is doing well.  She is begining occupational therepy to work on her eating.  She still hardly eats anything, but her weight seems to be gaining.  She loves her beagles still and all animals.  We just spent the weekend in Branson and she has discovered she loves golf.  Her idea of golf is carry the ball to the hole and put it very carefully outside the hole, then very gently tap it in. 
She loves to dance and show off.  She is your normal 4 year old, she just eats in a different way. 

December 11, 2010

So much to say.... Cydnee is enjoying going with Daddy and chasing "hop hops" every chance she can get. She is starting to collect her own running clothes and her "snake boots" (cheap water proof boots she calls snake boots). As far as her progress she is doing a little better, at least some days. She knows if she drinks her "requirement" during the day she does not have to wear her feeding pump at night. She says "no backpack tonight". But unfortunately most nights she has to have it. She is trying though and that is a major improvement. She likes french fries.... actually she loves ketchup and she uses a french fry to eat ketchup and eventually the french fry gets eaten. She is excited about Christmas. She loves looking at Christmas lights and says "need more Christmas tree lights". She talks about "Ho Ho" and what she wants him to bring her. We are going to take her and Brittani to Branson next weekend to look at the lights. I know they both will enjoy it.

Cydnee sees me taking pictures of the hats before I ship them out and sometimes has to have her picture taken with them......

August 16, 2010

Cydnee just turned 3 and she had a great "NEMO" birthday party. We had a pediatrician check up today and everything went as we expected.....she is doing great physically on all of her milestones, but her growth is not that good. She has only gained a pound in the last year. She weighs 23 pounds with clothes on. The pediatrician gave me the name of a group that does occuptional therepy that will hopefully be able to work with us on her eating. She has been eating a lot better. Still not enough, and she eats fruit and veggies, but not any of the "fattening" stuff like they say she should be eating. She has discovered that she likes ice cream though. We will keep working with her and see if we can hopefully wean her off her feeding tube this year. That is our her 4th birthday we can get rid of the feeding tube. I am open to any suggestions that any one has and if you know of anyone that can offer advice, please contact me.

Cydnee got her first "real" haircut. We had about 6 inches cut off.

July 29,2010

Cydnee is still 21 pounds 13 ounces. She stays so active she burns off everything she takes in. We are still supplementing what she eats with her feeding tube, but she seems to be asking for food a little more these days. She is liking bread. She takes a slice and eats the crust off all the way around it and then she is finished with it.

We have had a wonderful summer!!! Many of you have gotten to meet Cydnee this summer at some of the events we have traveled to. She has had lots of fun playing with "dog dogs" and meeting new people. Here are just a few of the pictures of her from this summer. She will be turning 3 in a little over a week and she still amazes me everyday with all the new things she learns and that nothing bothers her.... thanks to everyone for making this a great summer!!!!

Cydnee with her sister Brittani on vacation


Cydnee and Ripley

June 4, 2010

Cydnee has gained a little of the weight back that she lost a few weeks ago. She has decided that she likes to eat shaved turkey. Each day she seems to be trying new things. We will continue to try to get her to eat more and use her feeding pump less.

May 19, 2010

Last week we tried something a little different with Cydnee and her eating. We weighed her on Sunday, May 9 and she was 21 pounds 13 ounces. We did not give her any of her feeding pump all week long to see how she would eat. She did well for the most part. She would drink her bottle and drank as much during the day as what she would generally get pumped at night. She would eat some during each meal and thru out the day. It looked promising until we weighed her on Sunday May 16th. Cydnee had lost weight and was now 21 pounds 1 ounce. Starting Sunday night we went back to the pump at night. We will try again when she gains the weight back.

April 29, 2010

Cydnee is doing good. She still has her feeding tube but we are working on eating. She loves her "mean beans" and ketchup. She is talking very well and besides the fact that she is small, she is just like everyother child her age.

Monday, August 3, 2009

We have been home for a week and Cydnee is doing great!!!! We have her on apple cider vinegar to help control the acid in her belly and it seem to be working great. She has more energy now than she ever has!!!! Watch out everyone!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Day 6

Had a great day... we got a 4 hour pass and we went to the aquarium. We were a little disappointed with it because it was so busy we could not see much. But we got to go eat at our favorite place... JOE'S CRAB SHACK!!!! YUM!!!! O, by the way.... Cydnee is getting released tomorrow!!!!

The doctors decided to go ahead and start the new medicine and Cydnee is having some reactions to her new medicine. They said it may just take a few days to work it out.

Tuesday PM, July 21, 2009

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Day 5

Cydnee is doing so good that the doctor has agreed to give her a 4 hour pass tomorrow. Which means that we can leave the hospital and go to the aquarium tomorrow afternoon. We also are going to get to shut her pump off tomorrow morning at 4:30 to start her “window” (provided that she continues to do well)!!!!! YEA!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This mornings doctor visit went well. The goal today is to increase her feeds by 2 mL an hour every 2 hours until we get up to 55 mL an hour…. Then we can have an 8 hour window during the day where she is not feeding on the pump so she might possibly eat on her own. We should be up to that tomorrow. We will not start the motility medicine until we get home they said that sometimes it causes stomach pains and such until they get used to it and they don’t want to wonder if it is the medicine or her not tolerating her feeds.

The tests came back on the stomach emptying study and 33% emptied within an hour and only 50% within 2 hours, so there is definitely motility issues. They do not feel that the placement of the GT Button is an issue. Once she grows and gets some weight on her then her stomach will stretch and it will be in a better location.

We were inquiring about switching her formula from Peptamen Jr. to a more affordable one and they said that she really needs to stay on the Peptamen. The nutritionist here said she would contact their Nestle rep and see if they could get us some at a reduced rate or possible donate some since it is her sole source of nutrition. We will see.

We are also going to get another consult today from Speech department.

Monday, July 20, 2009

We met Cydnee’s doctor for the first time this morning and she is very nice and has given us a lot of hope. She says that if there is a motility issue she will try her on a medicine to help stimulate the digestion. We just had her stomach emptying study and so far it did not go too well. Cydnee did great, she had to lay still for an hour on her back while the machine took pictures of her belly. She only emptied 33% of what they put in her in an hour and they said anything less than 60% you have to go back at the 2 hour mark and have another picture taken. We are fixing to go back down and have that done to see how much has emptied in the last hour. The doctor told us this morning that her goal is to keep increasing her food every few hours until we get up to 48 an hour which we are at 30 an hour now. She said most likely that if her feedings go well when we get to her goal intake that we can probably go home at the end of the week.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 3, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

Today was a pretty good day. She tolerated her feeds all day long. She is on continuous feeds and up to 30 mL per hour. The doctors this morning said they would wait until tomorrow after her stomach emptying study to decide if anything needs to be done about the placement of the button. They did say that if that was the only thing that needed to be done we could be transferred back to Arkansas Children’s Hospital for that to be close to home. Cydnee has spent most of the day roaming the halls pushing her Chicken Dance Elmo in a stroller and making everyone comment on how cute she is. We will see what tomorrow brings.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It is 3:00 PM Saturday and day 2 at CCH. Cydnee just got back to the room. They placed a GJ tube in the place of her GT tube. They had some struggles. The doctor placing it said that her G-tube is too close to the bottom of her stomach and could cause blockage. He says this is probably part of the reason for some of her vomiting. It took about an hour to do a normal 10 minute procedure. Dennis and I were in the room and keeping Cydnee calm while the doctor was placing the new tube by x-Ray. He was talking and explaining to us the procedure the entire way thru which was extremely informative. He said that of all the GJ tubes he has placed, this one was one of the hardest because of the placement of her GT Tube.

I think that they will begin to feed her soon thru her new tube. Unfortunately she will now have to be on continuous feeds again so she will have to keep her back pack on all the time. They have not talked about trying her IV again, but I know it is coming because they have to start IV fluids tomorrow evening for her procedure on Monday morning.

Friday, July 17, 2009

This morning we arrived at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital at 8:00 for check in and they did not have a bed available so we took Cydnee and Brittani to the zoo. It was the cleanest and nicest zoo I have ever been to. Cydnee had a ball and enjoyed it so much. We got a call around 11:00 to return to the hospital for admission. We did so and have been talking to doctors all afternoon about her medical history. She is having fun playing and running around the halls. This weekend I believe they are going to put in a GJ tube (feeds into her intestines instead of her stomach) and see how that goes. Monday at 1:00 PM she has a stomach emptying study scheduled. This will show them when they put food into her stomach how much empties after one hour, 2 hours and 3 hours. They then can determine if she has issues with how fast or slow her stomach empties.

This afternoon they have tried to start an IV and have tried 4 different times with 2 different people. They now will wait until 7 PM when the new staff comes on and let them try. They are having to take blood samples every day to test her absorption levels.

For the most part the first day has gone OK. She is ready to go to bed, but must wait on the IV….. more tomorrow…..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cydnee and family are traveling today to Cincinatti Ohio where she will be tested and hopefully treated for her dfailureure to gain weight and continued problems with throwing up. She has lost about 5 ounces in the past 2 weeks so Doctors decided she needs to be admitted as soon as possible.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

We have our appointment for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. It is Tuesday, August 11. There is concern that we need to get in there sooner because Cydnee seems to be loosing weight. I weighed her yesterday and she has lost 5 ounces in the last week. She now weighs 19 pounds 10 ounces and is almost 23 months old. The nurse I was talking to in Cincinnati was quite concerned about this, she said that I needed to get with her GI doctor and see what was the most weight she could lose before he would do a doctor to doctor call to get her in quicker. I am still waiting on them to call me back.

We are off to Branson to go see Brittani dance. Dennis is so excited because he gets a few days off and does not have to go to doctor’s appointments.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

This week we have been discussing more options with the doctors and it looks like they are referring Cydnee to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. We have started talking to them and have a few hoops to jump through with our insurance company before we can go since it is out of state. The nurse I spoke with was extremely nice and helpful and showed a great concern for Cydnee. We are unsure as to whether they will put her in the hospital for a little bit to run all the necessary test, or if we will have to stay in a hotel for a bit and take her to different appointment. We are hoping to get our first appointment on a Monday so that we drive all day Saturday (11 hours) and there is a theme park and an aquarium that we would love to be able to take Cydnee and Brittani to before we have to go to the hospital. We should know more by the end of next week so I will let everyone know more then.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

On Monday June 8, Cydnee had two doctors appointments, one with the behavioral psychologist and one with her GI doctor. The psychologist suggested we change her formula to a more basic formula to possibly help with her throwing up. We also are adding polycose to her juice to add calories. I am supposed to stop feeding her a bottle in the middle of the night. She usually wakes up 2 or 3 times and I feed her each time. The psychologist said to start watering down until she is only getting water during the night and then she will not want a bottle. Then we are to do the cry it out thing and let her fall asleep on her own and then let her put herself back to sleep in the middle of the night. Her eating has not improved any, she is still 95% dependent on her tube, but we are working on it every day.

Her GI doctor cauterized her granulation tissue around the button and said it should heal much quicker that way. He says there is nothing medically wrong with her and it is now up to someone else to get her to eat. He has changed her dosages of medicine a little bit in hopes that the periactin will start making her hungry.

Each day she surprises us. She has picked up on the sign language from her Baby Einstien’s my first signs dvd. She is signing sleep, bath, and kiss.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Friday, Cydnee had to go to ACH to have the surgical center look at her belly. What appeared to be an infection is called granulation tissue. They said that it is fairly common and they gave us some steroid cream to put on there for a two week cycle. I have noticed a difference in the 24 hours that she has been on it so far. Hopefully this will take care of it so she can heal and go swimming. Dennis and I took her to the Little Rock Zoo Saturday morning and she had a great time. We have more appointments on Monday and will be heading back home Monday evening.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cydnee had to go back to the pediatrician last week, because her button is infected. He gave her some antibiotics. I can not tell they are working yet. She feels fine, but you can tell it bothers her some because she pulls up her shirt and points at it with a strange look on her face. She is eating pretty good. She is up to 20 pounds 4 ounces. We go next week to see the behavioral psychologist and her GI doctor in Little Rock. I am sure it will go well.

She is ready for her belly to heal, because she wants to go swimming at G-Mama’s and Grumpy’s house and I won’t let her until it heals….

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I talked to the psychologist today and she said that Cydnee still has something medically wrong because she is still throwing up. I believe we are going to try a new formula. It is a hypoalerginic formula that is very elemental and basic so it is easy to break down. Also, she wants us to play with food and let Cydnee play with it at the dinner table. She is afraid that she is not eating partly because she has bad feelings about food (she is associating getting sick with eating). So we need to make sitting at the table fun. She said let her play with it and basically do whatever she wants to with it. We are supposed to get involved with it also. I was also told to check out a few options for the future. The Aerodigestive Center at Cincinatti Children's Hospital, The Marcus Institute in Atlanta,GA, and she also said there is a very good Pediatric GI doctor in Kansas City. Have lots to work on and think about.....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cydnee got her stitches out today. She did really good. She did not cry or wimper. She amazes me everyday with how happy she is after everything she has gone thru. She has lost weight in the last few weeks, mainly due to being in the hospital and not being able to eat anything because of procedures. When we went into the hospital she was around 21 pounds and she is not 19 pounds 4 ounces. She will get back up there.

The pictures below are while she was in the hospital.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Mothers Day present from Cydnee We are home!!!!!!!

What a trooper!!!!!! Cydnee has made a remarkable recovery over the last 24 hours. Less than 48 hours after her surgery we are being discharged from the hospital. Less than 24 hours ago she was so lifeless with no energy and now she is running up and down the halls. All of her doctors are pleased with her progress. Now we just have to work on getting her to eat. You can tell she is in some pain, she is a little slow in bending to pick something up and when she is walking around she uses caution. But she has hardly complained at all. What an amazing little lady!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

3:30 PM

Cydnee had surgery yesterday to place a GT Button in her belly. She came thru surgery just fine, but gave everyone quite a scare afterwards. She had several unexpected episodes and at one point we had an entire room full of doctors and nurses. She lost a lot of blood and they were having to check her blood levels every 4 hours thru the night. At 6:00 AM her levels were too low and they said they needed to give her blood. She was very pale and had no energy. She received a blood transfusion around 10 AM. By 1:00 PM she was sitting up in bed and saying her normal "YEAAAAA" and "NO" to whatever she did or did not want. Around 3:00 the surgeons came around and cleared her to start eating again. We are now waiting on orders of how much and how often to feed her to start with. We expect to be here a few more days.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cydnee was admitted into Arkansas Children's Hospital on Monday for some tests. The results were good. They did a brain scan, everything came back normal. A EGAD which revealed a little irritation in the throat, could be from her NG tube. And she also had a 24 hour pH probe study to help measure her reflux and it all was good too. The doctor was considering doing a Nissen (wrap the top of the stomach around the bottom of the esophagus to keep reflux down), but luckily he has decided against it. This would have kept her from throwing up even when she really needed to. We did not want it at all. Now, on the schedule is a GT "Button" it will be done on Thursday. This will replace her NG feeding tube. She can get rid of the tube and start looking like a normal little girl (with a backpack of course). She seems to be in good spirits and is all over the hospital. She waves and smiles at most people we come into contact with, but runs the other way when she sees the lab coats.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I just got off the phone with Dr. Fiedorek this morning and he is impressed with her weight gain, but not her eating habbits. He can't find any medical reason as to why she can't eat or won't eat. He is tentatively going to schedule a MRI to do a brain scan for when we are in Little Rock in May. He said that it will rule out so many things. He said if there is any pressure on her brain stem that will cause occasional vomiting... etc. We are going to change her medication from zantac to previcid and see if that works better for her reflux. Taking her off the periactin for a few weeks and then go back on it. If it has no effect then take her off it completely. The nutritionist at ACH recommended putting her on ScandiShake instead of her Peptamen Jr. because is will take less volume and get the right amount of calories, but he wanted to research it a little more. He said that if it has as many calories per 8-10 ounces that Jessica said then it will be too hard on Cydnee to digest and she will be miserable and it will not be of benefit.

I should get a call back today for scheduling the MRI and more info about the ScandiShake. One more thing.... he said take the tube out for several days and see if it makes a difference.... she is at a good weight!!!! We are hoping!!!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2009

The psychologist says that praise is the key!!! She wants us to ignore Cydnee when she throws her food in the floor and praise her when she does actually take a bite. She told us to get bubbles or a special toy and let her have them for a brief period when she takes a bite. Pretty soon she will associate praise with eating and maybe she will start eating better. She basically said that we have a long road ahead of us to get her to where she needs to be, but she will get us there. It was a very encouraging visit, even though she told us it would be a big challenge. Her whole life she has been a challenge and we are ready to get her on the right track.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cydnee is now 19 months old and she weighs almost 20 pounds. The issues with her heart are completely gone. when she was 13 months old Drs. put her on a feeding tube due to her lack of weight gain. She is still being fed with a feeding tube because she shows very little interest in eating by mouth. She has seen numerous doctors and as of yet no one can get her to eat. We are going to try a child psychologist that specializes in feeding disorders at UAMS in Little Rock this week. We will see how she does with her.

August 2008

Cydnee is a little over 1 year old and is doing good. She is small but seems to be doing well.


Tuesday, November 29, 2007

Cydnee is now 9 lbs and having no problems eating. She is rolling from her back to stomach.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday day after turkey day

The whole clan including miss Cydnee were at Grummy and Grumpy's for Thanksgiving. Cydnee is now at 8lbs and 14 ounces, grinning and smiling. peeing and pooping just like babies are supposed to do. In other words she is doing great.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yesterdays check up was great. All systems are going strong according to doctors at Children’s Hospital. Cydnee is gaining weight rapidly now, up to 8 lbs. 6 ounces. She does not need to go back for another checkup there for 4 months!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cyd is doing really well. She is now eating around 65 cc's per feeding without any fuss. She has gained and is now over 8lbs. She is doing a lot of grinning and Missi says is laughing out loud at times. She goes back to Children’s Hospital tomorrow for a check up.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Can you tell im growing ????


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Missi took Cydnee to her local doctor this morning for shots. She was weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz which is great. She is continuing to do well but still has some eating issues at times not wanting to take enough. This will most likely continue until she gets off the low fat formula in late December.

Trick or treat.................EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, October 28, 2007

We will continue to do occasional updates on Cydnees' progress. She and mom have enjoyed the quite time the last couple of days being at home . All continues to go well.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Really she has left Childrens Hospital. Missi and Dennis have started home with the little "peanut" ending a six week stay at the hospital. More will probably be added later but we have nothing but good things to say about the hospital, doctors and nurses.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

7:00 am

Cydnee is now on a feeding schedule of all she wants every three hours. She took 45 plus cc's {1 and 1/2 ounces} at each of her last 3 feedings. Missi is packing for the trip home tomorrow.

3:00 pm

Discharge papers and consultations are being done this afternoon so they can leave for home in the morning. Cydnee continues to take her formula without any problems.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

7:30 am

Another good night. Cydnee took 40 cc's of pedialite this morning with no problems. She will begin the formula at her next feeding and gradually increase the volume and calories over the next 24 hrs.

2:00 PM

The formula has been started at 15cc's per feeding . It is taking her less than a minute to down it. It will be increased to 45cc's by midnight tonight then tomorrow she will be allowed all she wants. Drs say if everthing continues as expected and there is no issues with her feeding they will be SENT HOME ON THURSDAY. she sure is glad to get those tubes and crap out of her

Monday, October 22, 2007

6:30 am

Cydnee and her mom had another really good night. Missi was excited at 6:30 this morning, Cydnee had a poopie diaper, which is one of the signs the Drs were looking for to allow her to start on the bottle again. They will give her the bottle sometime this morning after a feeding schedule is developed.



Cyd took 15 cc's of pedialite at her first feeding. The pictures tell how she liked it.


October 21, 2007

Sunday 9:00 am

Good night !!! Slept most of the night without any medication. When she was awake she was not fussy.

The surgeons say if she continues to do well they will reintroduce liquids by mouth tomorrow.

Cydnee's new friend Baby Meckles . Named after a growth removed during the last surgery, Meckles comes from the build a bear family and weighed 8 ounces at birth on 10/20/2007. Eyes are purple and fur is purple, stuffed with love by mom and dad.


October 20, 2007

Saturday 8:00 am

Cydnee had a restful night. She would wake up occassionaly but go right back to sleep. The surgeons seemed pleased when they came by this morning. She will continue on IV fluids for several days before being allowed to take anything by mouth.

3:00 pm

Things are going very good. She has had no pain medication since 1 am this morning and has been awake the past 3 hours not fussing,just looking around.


Mom painting her toenails......

October 19, 2007

Friday 9:30 am

The surgery was completed around 9am. All went as expected. Cydney is now back in ICU where she will remain until mid afternoon when she will be sent back to her room.

7:00 pm

Cyd is back in her room and doing fine. She will be kept lightly sedated tonight and tomorrow. Drs say she will probably be given clear liquid by mouth sometime tomorrow.

October 18, 2007

Thursday 10:30 am

Drs are here now. The surgery will be tomorrow morning at 8:30 and will last around 1 hour. She will spend several hours in ICU until she is stable to return to her room.

September 12, 2007

Cydnee was admitted to Arkansas Children's Hospital today. She had a cardiology check up and she has lost down to right at 5 pounds. She is 6 weeks old and was born at 7 pounds 4 ounce. You can understand the doctors concern. They said that she is not eating because her body is deciding to breath instead of eat. She has 3 holes in her heart and one of them is where the heart sends the blood from the lungs after it has been oxygenated. Her heart can't pump it out quick enough and her lungs are "wet" and full and she can't breath very well. This picture is after she has gotten her feeding tube and gotten settled in her room.


This is a collage made from September and October 2007 of her stay at Arkansas Children's Hospital


This is Cydnee when she was just 2 weeks old and already posing for the camera.
